Join us in documenting our culture!

This article is made possible by our patrons supporting us through Thrive Art Gallery.

Thrive is looking for essays related to art and culture. Our goal is to document art practices, collectives, and other art initiatives in the Philippines, especially those which are in the peripheries of the visible art scenes in the country.

After the publication of the article on the website, we will offer a P1,000/submission regardless of word count. We will include a bio box for each of the content we publish and an author page that your can link to your social media profiles and include in your cv.

General Requirements

– The submission must be original. The submission must have a unique angle and contributes fresh ideas to the current discussion. We accept submissions that have been previously published as long as there is no conflict with the previous publication or publisher.

– Brevity is key. Most of our content does not run above 1,000 words. Make your submission more in-depth and thought-out. Although we encourage 500-800 words, we are also willing to publish long reads as long as the message you want to communicate is important.

– Content rights. Thrive does not own the rights to the material/s submitted.

Send your pitches to thriveartorg@gmail.comwith the subject “Submission [category]”.

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