Tracing the lines of Rock Drilon’s “Visual Notes”

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“Visual Notes” is an exhibition featuring Rock Drilon’s drawings and sketches on paper, drawing a line between his previous solo exhibitions which primarily featured his large abstract paintings on canvas. Since his homecoming in Iloilo, Drilon has mounted five solo exhibitions in different art spaces in Iloilo City.

Rock Drilon Nude Drawing

The exhibition features the familiar nude drawings where Drilon traces the form of the human body stripping it to its purest form. In a true abstractionist fashion, his drawings challenge the figure. These drawings invite the viewer to fill in the blanks of each line, leaving room for so much interpretation.

Some of the other elements that are easily recognizable in Drilon’s artworks are the knots and ties that create visual motions unfolding before the viewer’s eyes and subtly reminding the viewer of something they have seen before – maybe a winding road or a flowing river or a blooming garden. “Visual Note” seemed like a documentation of the artist’s intimate observation of his surroundings.

Drilon also provides a peek at two spreads from his notebook, opening a seemingly private piece of the artist’s process to the viewer. His drawings are raw and almost intuitive featuring the same shapes and lines on his bigger drawings and even his previous paintings. The same long continuous tubes intersect each other, creating a loop and stopping where another continuous tube starts — almost mapping and recording the artist’s thoughts.

“Visual Notes” offers the viewers a moment to observe an artwork away from the conventional forms and figurations that the Ilonggo viewers are used to. The exhibition is on view at Mamusa Gallery, from 10 AM onwards.

Featured photo by Job Hablo

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